Monday, July 7, 2008

It's a Good Life

Well, we haven't got much to say this time as we have just been relaxing in Pattaya. If you read the blog regularly, you'll know we've now got a little apartment. So, we have been doing some more cooking, swimming and helping a friend with repairs on boats.
We are still not sure what we are doing next but we have some great opportunities, including a couple of yacht deliveries, another regatta, a tour of Cambodia and a visit to a tiger temple.

This is Garry's office. As you can see he has taken the minimalist approach!
This is the door into Garry's office.
And this is the staircase up to his officeFor those interested in health and safety
Mondays seem to be tree pruning day over here. This is the tree outside our third floor apartment, before it was pruned.
This is after it was pruned. If you can see the rope, this was attached to the top of the tree, not the thai guy who climbed up the tree!
This is Alison hard at work in her office.

Caption competition - any ideas?
Garry says Alison was always a bit of a back seat driver.
Up the mast again, this time really doing some essential maintenance.
We were asked to help out with a photo shoot on El Coyote for a local marketing company. This is the marketing team as they arrived in true marketeers style two hours late! We got the boat set up ready to go out sailing, but again in true marketeers style, they changed their minds and took the photos in the marina.
The "modools".
Bye for now!!

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