Hello. Hope you haven't forgotten about us? We are still living in Cyprus and working hard again.
We have done a bit of touring around the island. Tese are the ruins at Salamis in the Turkish occupied territory. Amazingly, this statue bore some resemblance to Alison!
Carolyn and Barbara came to visit us. A big thank you to Carolyn, who once again came bearing gifts, cooked fantastic food and helped us out. This was dinner out in Kyrinia, also in the occupied territory. We made a friend that night!! Carolyn and Barbara went back the next day to sample more of the delights of Belapays and St Hilarion.
There is some building work going on right outside our apartment. We and our guests have found it both amusing and interesting. This machine was boring holes 9 metres deep for the foundations. On the picture, you may just be able to make out the man hitting it with a hammer. We reckon far more time was spent hitting it with heavy objects, rather than boring holes.
A massive big thank you to Barbara, for all the wonderful gifts she brought over, including a fantastic cookbook that we are using tonight, newspapers and magazines. This is Barabara searching Garry's hair for nits - actually Barbara turned out to be a really good barber.
We have joined the local sailing club where Alison has successfully completed a dinghy sailing course and is now certified! As you can see the sailing conditions in November are perfect. We have done a couple of races, with no success so far, but we are really mad ferrit!!
Liz and Kate from Beverley came over to see us and look what they brought with them. It rained so heavily, the road outside the apartment flooded. Also a big thanks to Kate and Liz for "gifts" - newspapers, booze and magazines. We are still working our way through the Sunday Times and loving it.
More thanks to Liz and Kate. This is our Ducati being crated up ready to be shipped out to Cyprus. They worked really hard getting stuff out of our container and transporting it to Peterborough to be shipped over in another container. We also have to thank Peter Last from the sailing club in whose container it is.
Life seems to be all about toys at the moment. Liz and Kate dug out more of our favourite toys, two road bikes and two mountain bikes which are also coming over in the container. And ...........Garry has got a new job in a toy shop in Nicosia, that opens on 7th December.
So from when we first arrived and treated ourselves to one push bike between two, then we were offered a stunning deal on a one hundred year old scooter, we couldn't resist and now we are buying a car to get to Nicosia. We have significantly increased the contents of our toy cupboard and our carbon footprint. 5 bikes, one scooter, one ducati and a car. Anyone got a boat for sale?
Bye for now
Alison and Garry