Before we get into this blog a couple of questions for you.
1. Donna Summer and the McArthur Park song, what is that all about? Some one left the cake out in the rain and it took so long to bake it and I'll never have that recipe again. Explain please.
2. Remember that other mad song with the lyrics "what is she going to look like with a chimney on her". Who sang it and what is that all about?
Have you guessed what we're listening to now?
Anyway onto the blog.
If you are a regular blog reader you will know we are now in Cyprus. Alison has a job working in a nursing home and Garry in a garage as a mechanic. Settling back into work hasn't been too onerous. Garry walks for half an hour with no traffic jams and Alison cycles for half an hour, no traffic jams. The weather is always beautiful and it's great not to drive, or have a car.
We do not have any pictures of Garry's work but his finger nails are permanently black, so you know he is doing a proper job. The new challenge in his life is fuel filters. Without going into too much detail, this is how it works.
1. On a Honda, you tighten the pipes as tight as you possibly can. When you've got them as tight as you possibly can, then you tighten them a bit more. But the b.......s still leak.
2. On a Vauxhall, you only need eight fingers. Unfortunately, they all need to be on one hand.
Fuel filters are now a great topic of conversation and a guaranteed cure for insomnia!
This was when we were off to an expats walking club, where you have to follow chalked arrows in the streets. We have met some nice people and it is a great way to explore Larnaka. Although it is a bit odd going for a walk in the evening, when you have been walking and cycling all day.
We had a bit of excitement one night, when the skip across the road caught fire. Alison volunteered to ring the firemen. Unfortunately, you cannot see on the picture, the guy who ran out of the opposite building in his undies with a bucket of water to put out the fire.
This was on a walking tour of the historic side of Larnaka. The tour explained quite a bit about houses that were original turkish owned, but were taken over by the Cypriot Government and used to house refugees following the Turkish invasion in 1974. This island has some good history, ancient and modern.
These are all candles, so when you feel ill, you buy a candle that represents the part of the body affected, then take it to church and offer it to God. You may be able to make out hands, kidneys, lungs and feet. Yes, it is possible to buy willies and boobs!
What no garden? Just fill the pavement with pots.
Another walking tour does the local arts and crafts people. Not he's not called Harry.
These are a few of the people that Alison works with. From left, Natalie, Abi, Joanna and Maria. They have been very patient and good to work with. The care home is interesting to say the least. Alison has been trying to learn some of the local lingo, but trying to figure out which of the residents she should listen to has been tricky. One or two of them talk sense, some of them talk to the fairies. So it's all greek to Al. One funny little story was an old lady who was muttering loads of gibberish then as a member of staff walked past, she came out with "and she's a silly old b......"Suddenly very lucid.
We don't have any more photos, but we should mention a few other bits and pieces. We invested in a recipe book and have been experimenting on each other. So we are eating really well with a fab fruit and veg shop just down the road. We have made our own sun dried tomatoes on the roof but have yet to try them. We are still making bread and have started sharing it with the neighbours. This has worked really well, we take bread to them and they provide booze. Actually the neighbours have been really good to us. They have helped us find jobs, regularly entertain us, are really good comapny and we are linked into their broadband as we speak. Thank you Angelos and Maria.
So where did the title "Sausage Coffee" come from. Well you may have guessed. Back to Alison's work - a resident asked for a coffee. Alison asked her if she wanted a special one and she replied yes please, a sausage one.
Bye for now
Gal and Arry